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The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has certainly come close to home for many at this point, affecting the way best sports betting appwe interact in the workplace, school, and even among family and friends.

While all of us are quickly learning to adapt and make accommodations to this serious health concern, I wanted to reach out to let you know that Hi-Tech Industrial Services is still functioning very much as you would have experienced before coronavirus became a part of our daily lexicon.  We will continue to address issues that arise as this situation unfolds.

We realize that this is an ever-changing situation, but we are diligently working to ensure your interactions with us run smoothly every day – even in the face of a national health crisis.  If you have specific questions about our response to COVID-19, we will send you our Coronavirus (COVID-19) mitigation plan for your review.   Please contact Doug Ramirez, Corporate Safety Director at or Paula Gabrault, Director of Human Resources at for a copy of our plan.

While we cannot minimize the disruption we are experiencing, we can and will continue to provide the expertise and services you’ve come to expect from us.

In times like this, it’s important to pause and keep a balanced perspective with any decision that’s being made. 

Our top priorities at Hi-Tech sports betting sites 2024are the health and well-being of our customers, employees, their families and the continuity of our business operations. We are approaching the situation with an abundance of caution, yet mindful of ensuring that you can count on us when you need us.

As always, we are grateful for your confidence in us and deeply value our relationship.


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